I am so thrilled to announce the birth of Securing Cars, a new company specialized in the automotive cybersecurity!!
After 10+ years working as automotive cybersecurity expert for a car manufacturer and for a tier-1 supplier, I am delighted to share with you the creation of my own company!
Securing Cars aims at providing expertise in cybersecurity to all the actors of the automotive industry, through high-quality consultancy and training services. And I can’t wait to start sharing my experience with the future partners and collaborators of Securing Cars!
Before moving on, I would like to thank all the formers colleagues I worked with in my past professionnal experiences. I have learnt a lot from them and, somehow, the creation of this company would not have been possible without the wonderful exchanges we had together!
A new exciting journey begins now for Securing Cars and for me!
Looking forward to working with you!
— Antoine